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Bcg’s Annual Cybersecurity Survey 2023: As Budgets Get Tighter, Cybersecurity Must Get Smarter

April 18, 2023
8 minute read
Summary AI
This article from the Boston Consulting Group discusses the changing landscape of cyber security in the digital age. It explains that organizations must be prepared to face a range of cyber threats, including malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks, and must be able to respond quickly to minimize the risk of a successful attack. It looks at the importance of having a comprehensive cyber security strategy and emphasizes the need for organizations to invest in both people and technology to ensure the safety of their data and systems. The article also provides advice on how to develop a cyber security strategy, including a focus on risk management, security architecture and governance, and the use of analytics to better understand potential threats.
cybersecurity, digital threats, data protection, AI, blockchain, cloud computing, biometric authentication, regulation, compliance